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Schools and Immigration Enforcement

In the wake of the recent presidential election, changes in immigration law and enforcement may be on the horizon.

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Ninth Circuit Focuses on Timing of Student's Due Process Complaint for Stay Put Placement

In a recent decision, N.E. v. Seattle School District (9th Cir., Nov. 17, 2016, No. 15-35910) ___ Fed.Appx. ___ 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 20612, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's denial of a student's request for injunctive relief related to their stay put placement.

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Court of Appeal Weighs In On Non-Educational State Agency's Role in Providing Related Services

In its recent decision in Department of Health Care Services v. Office of Administrative Hearings(Nov. 29, 2016, F071023) __ Cal.App.4th __ <>, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal held that during a dispute between a local education agency (LEA) and a non-educat

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Attorney Invoices are Subject to Disclosure under the Public Records Act

The California Supreme Court has ruled that invoices from a public agency's legal counsel are subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), with limited exceptions. Invoices for work in pending and active legal matters may generally be shielded from disclosure under the attorney-client privilege.

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