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IDEA Procedural Requirements Warrant a Second Look After Recent Ninth Circuit Decision

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision inM.C. v. Antelope Valley Union High Sch. Dist.

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Introducing the TIP Jar

Technology offers a seemingly boundless array of opportunities: It can provide targeted learning to students with diverse abilities, make instruction available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection, and aid law enforcement efforts to safeguard communities.

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Tech TIPs: Preventing Data Breaches

Public agencies are increasingly the targets of malware and ransomware attacks. So what can you do to protect your agency?

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Public Agency Notification Requirements under the Information Practices Act

State and federal law generally require agencies to protect the privacy of students, families and employees.

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Agency Case Study: Lessons from a Real-Life Cyberattack

The Lindsay Unified School District, a K-12 school district that serves over 4,000 students in California's San Joaquin Valley, knows firsthand what a ransomware attack looks like: The district recently experienced one, when attackers infected servers through phishing emails that looked like legitimate communications.

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Digital Data Security and Confidentiality: Public Agency Vulnerabilities in the Age of Ransomware

In the action movie thriller Taken, Liam Neeson plays a former CIA operative and distraught father on a mission to rescue his daughter from kidnappers.

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State Board of Education Adopts Waiver Policy for Unlawfully Located Nonclassroom-based Charter Schools

The State Board of Education (State Board) recently approved Policy No. 17-01 (Policy), which permits the board to issue temporary waivers to nonclassroom-based charter schools operating "resource centers" outside the geographical boundaries of their chartering school district.

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California Supreme Court says Minors' Claims against Public Agencies Must Adhere to Government Claims Act Timelines

In J.M. v. Huntington Beach Union High School District (Mar. 6, 2017, No. S230510) ___ Cal.5th ___ 2017 [Cal. LEXIS 1609] < opinions/documents/S230510.PDF >, the California Supreme Court determined a high school football player was not entitled to court relief f

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Local Education Agencies Now Prohibited from Collecting Social Security Numbers

Armed with the understanding that Social Security numbers are the piece of information most used by criminals perpetrating identity thefts, the California legislature has barred local education agencies from collecting them.

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