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Part-Time Playground Positions Now Part of Classified Service for All School Employers

Effective January 1, 2019, all part-time playground positions will become part of the classified service of school districts and community college districts, including those K-12 and community college district that have incorporated the merit system.

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Legislature Clarifies CEQA Lead Agency's Scope of Consideration in Authoring EIR

The California Legislature has amended the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in an effort to clarify a lead agency's ability to consider both the broad benefits of a project and the negative impacts of denying the project when evaluating environmental impacts.

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New Law Requires Districts to Pay Employees on Parental Leave at Least 50% of Their Salaries

Starting January 1, 2019, California school and community college districts will be required to pay certificated, classified, and academic employees eligible for parental leave under recently enacted laws at least 50% of their salaries once they exhaust their sick leave and begin taking differential leave.

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New Law Requires Paid Time Off for Union Stewards and Officers

Effective January 1, 2019, Senate Bill (SB) 1085 requires public agency employers in California to grant, upon the request of a union, "reasonable" paid leaves of absence to employees serving as stewards or officers of the union or of any statewide or national employee organization with which the union is affiliated.

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New Law Expands the Four-Year Evidentiary Window in Permanent Certificated Discipline Cases Involving Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

Assembly Bill (AB) 2128, effective January 1, 2019, will allow evidence and testimony outside the current four-year time window when a certificated employee is accused of sexual misconduct with a student or minor.

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Legislature Enhances Minor Witness Protections in Employee Discipline Proceedings

Assembly Bill (AB) 2234, which becomes effective January 1, 2019, provides a comprehensive set of requirements for the presentation of testimony by minor witnesses at administrative disciplinary proceedings initiated under the egregious misconduct hearing process for permanent certificated employees, and for discipline hearings involving allegations of egregious misconduct for permanent classified

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New Laws Increase State Control of Addiction Treatment Facilities, Require Student Athlete Opioid Warning

On September 26, Governor Jerry Brown signed a package of bills designed to enhance state regulation of licensed alcohol and drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities (RTFs). Governor Brown also signed Senate Bill (SB) 1109, which aims to better inform the public of the risks associated with the use of opioids.

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Court Restricts Ability to Seek Mandate Reimbursements

A California appellate court has ruled that a public agency is not entitled to seek reimbursement from the state for the cost of implementing mandated programs if the agency has existing statutory authority to impose or raise fees, even if the attempt to impose or raise fees is prevented by a successful Proposition 218 majority protest.

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New Laws Restrict Law Enforcement Agencies' Right to Withhold Recordings Relating to "Critical Incidents"

After years of failed attempts, the Legislature has passed, and Governor Brown has signed into law, two bills that remove the longstanding layers of protection and confidentiality for certain law enforcement records. Senate Bill (SB) 1421, which becomes effective January 1, 2019, increases public access to certain records relating to allegations of misconduct by law enforcement.

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