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New Law Calls for Greater Collaboration between Court Schools and Counties

Last fall, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1354 which creates new legal requirements for a county office of education and certain charter schools operating juvenile court schools.

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Plaintiffs with Late Tort Claims Take a Hit

A would-be plaintiff’s ability to obtain relief from the government claim presentation requirement (the Government Claims Act, Gov. Code, § 810, et seq.) has been limited by the California Court of Appeal.

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Ninth Circuit Rejects Constitutional Challenge to School Safety Plan Allowing Transgender Student Use of Single Sex Facilities

The Ninth Circuit said it best: "Schools face the difficult task of navigating varying student (and parent) beliefs and interests in order to foster a safe and productive learning environment, free from discrimination that accommodates the needs of all students."

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When the Code Enforcement Process Goes Wrong! California Court of Appeals Scolds City for Overzealous Enforcement of the City's Municipal Code

A recent decision out of the 5th District Court of Appeals chronicles the City of Visalia's code enforcement actions against property owner Delbert Beames over a zoning dispute that ultimately resulted in legal action against the City.

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California Supreme Court Weighs in on Juvenile Court's Jurisdiction Over Habitual Truant

On May 4, 2020, the California Supreme Court clarified a juvenile court's jurisdiction over a minor in a formal wardship proceeding to declare the minor a habitual truant.

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Title IX and "Pre-Assault": Closing the Flood Gates

A new ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals amended a January 2020 opinion on the liability of colleges and universities for “pre-assault claims,” or the argument that inadequate Title IX policies created a “heightened risk” of sexual misconduct.

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CDE Issues Template for Written Report in Place of LCAP; Executive Order N-56-20 Changes Budget Adoption Process for 2020-2021

The California Department of Education (CDE) has issued the template for local education agencies (LEAs) to use for their written report to the community explaining their changes to program offerings made in response to school closures to address COVID-19.

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Appellate Court Clarifies When School Employees are Eligible for Unemployment

May 2020Number 36In United Educators of San Francisco, AFT/CFT, AFL-CIO, NEA/CTA v. California Unemployment Ins. Appeals Bd. (“United Educators”), the Supreme Court of California clarified when and how educational employees might be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits during the summer break.

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Industrial Disability Retirement May Still Be Considered a Constructive Discharge

On January 28, 2020, the California Court of Appeal for the First Appellate District revived a former California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer’s claims that he was forced to quit because he is openly gay.

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