Page 8 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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a  significant  challenge  for AI,  as  it  demands  a
            blend of strategic planning, pattern recognition,      THE TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES
            and  adaptive  tactics.  AlphaGo  used  advanced        WE’VE DEVELOPED ARE REALLY

            machine  learning  techniques,  including  deep             THE FIRST FEW DROPS OF
            neural  networks  and  reinforcement  learning  to      WATER IN THE VAST OCEAN OF
            master the game. The AI learned from thousands                   WHAT AI CAN DO.
            of human-played games and, more importantly,                            -FEI-FEI LI
            by playing games against itself, learning  and
            evolving its strategies. AlphaGo’s victory was a
            profound illustration of AI’s potential in tasks that

            require not just raw computational power, but a
            form of reasoning and adaptive learning.

            The mid-2010s saw a significant advancement in
            AI with the introduction of attention mechanisms
            and the development of transformers. Rather than
            processing  language  in  a  fixed  linear  manner,
            resulting in the loss of context and nuance, these
            attention  mechanisms  allowed AI  to  “focus”  on

            relevant parts of input data, enhancing its ability
            to  understand  context  and  meaning.  In  2017,
            a  landmark  paper  introduced  the  transformer
            model, built primarily upon attention mechanisms,
            which allowed more efficient and effective data
            processing.  Transformers  paved  the  way  for
            the  development  of  LLMs  like  OpenAI’s  GPT

            (Generative Pretrained Transformer) series. These    at  a rapid  pace,  the  consumer  and enterprise
            models, trained on vast amounts of text data, could   demand  for AI  systems  has  supercharged  these
            generate coherent and contextually relevant text,    advancements.  Perhaps  most  significantly,
            perform language translations, answer questions,     these  advanced  AI  systems  have  entered  the
            and more.                                            mainstream and begun to impact our professional
                                                                 and personal lives. Society has begun to explore
            In the years since, LLMs have grown in size and      and discuss how to implement AI and adapt to a
            complexity, and developed capabilities on a nearly   world where the vision of the Dartmouth Summer
            exponential scale. The introduction of ChatGPT,      Research  Project  is  ever  closer  to  a  reality  –

            and its unprecedented  popularity, brought the       where “machines use language, form abstractions
            latest  developments  in AI  into  the  mainstream.   and concepts, solve the kinds of problems now
            While AI research had already been developing        reserved for humans, and improve themselves.”

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