Page 5 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
P. 5

                     PROGRAMMED TASKS;
                   THEY CAN UNDERSTAND
                SOON BE ABLE TO USE THESE
                       PHYSICAL WORLD.

            Unlike the AI/ML technologies that we are already
            familiar with, which often focus on specific tasks
            or utilize only certain aspects of AI, the current   learned  from vast data  sets, enabling  them  to
            wave  of  generative  AI  technologies,  including   handle a wide array of queries and tasks, many of
            LLMs, are advanced  systems designed not just        which may not have been explicitly anticipated
            for narrow applications but as versatile, adaptable   by  their  developers.  LLMs  do  not  just  execute
            platforms capable of a wide range of functions.      programmed  tasks;  they  can  understand  and
            A key distinction of LLMs, compared to earlier       generate human-like responses and may one day
            AI forms, lies in their emergent properties, such    soon be able to use these abilities to interact with

            as the ability  to understand context,  engage in    the physical world.
            complex conversations, and even reason in a way
            that at least appears similar to humans.             This shift from task-specific AI to more general
                                                                 and  adaptable  systems  like  LLMs  marks  a
            While previous technologies, like voice assistants,   significant evolution in the field. It is a transition
            use  AI  for  specific  functions  like  speech      from  machines  that  simply  execute  predefined
            recognition  or natural  language  processing,

            they ultimately still rely on specific, rule-based
            programming  to  execute  tasks.  For  instance,                IT IS IMPORTANT TO
            when  a  voice  assistant  like  Google  Assistant      UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT SETS
            uses AI to recognize the command “turn off the          LLMs APART IS NOT JUST THEIR
            lights,” the actual action of turning off the lights     ADVANCED CAPABILITIES BUT
            is still managed by traditional programming that           ALSO THEIR POTENTIAL TO
            interacts  with  smart  home  systems.  In  contrast,    REDEFINE OUR INTERACTION
            LLMs are not programmed in the traditional sense.         WITH MACHINES AND THEIR
            While they may operate within certain guidelines         ROLE IN OUR PROFESSIONAL

            or guardrails,  their  responses and actions  are             AND PERSONAL LIVES.
            not  pre-defined  by  explicit  rules.  Instead,  they
            generate responses based on patterns they have

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                  VOLUME  1    |   5
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