Page 2 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
P. 2


            As the sun rises over Sacramento, it illuminates a city
            increasingly empowered by artificial intelligence (“AI”).            AI IS NO LONGER JUST A
            In  our  public  agencies  and  schools,  AI  is  no  longer      FUTURISTIC CONCEPT, BUT A
            just a futuristic concept, but a practical tool enhancing        PRACTICAL TOOL ENHANCING
            efficiency and innovation.                                       EFFICIENCY AND INNOVATION.

            At Lincoln High School, Mrs. Rivera, equipped with her
            AI assistant ChatGPT, transforms her chemistry class into
            an engaging and relevant learning experience. Complex

            concepts are made accessible, with real-world applications
            that captivate her students. In one corner, Kevin uses an
            AI-powered  tutoring  system  to  demystify  molecular
            bonds, gaining both understanding and confidence.

            Over  at  city  hall,  staff  member  Jordan  faces  the
            challenge of drafting a staff report for the upcoming city

            council  meeting.  Burdened  by  extensive  documents,
            Jordan employs an LLM-based AI tool. This advanced
            system  efficiently  parses  through  the  data,  extracting
            essential points and assisting in composing a thorough
            and  accurate  report,  significantly  streamlining  the
            preparation process.

            In  the  customer  service  center,  AI  is  revolutionizing
            public engagement. An LLM-powered system efficiently

            addresses  public  inquiries,  offering  precise  responses
            to  diverse  questions,  from  park  schedules  to  zoning
            guidelines.  This  advancement  not  only  accelerates
            response times but also allows staff to focus on more
            complex issues.

            Meanwhile,  in the  city  planning  department,  Alex

            leverages  AI-generated  analyses  to  streamline  permit
            application  reviews.  In  a  different  office,  a  grant

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