Page 3 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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coordinator utilizes an LLM tool to refine a grant   AI, particularly LLMs. These technologies have
            proposal,  ensuring  clarity,  persuasiveness,  and   not only streamlined their tasks but also enriched
            compliance with guidelines.                          their roles, fostering a more connected, efficient,
                                                                 and responsive city.
            AI’s impact extends citywide, enhancing public

            document     accessibility  with   multilingual      Amidst  these  advancements,  critical  questions
            translations provided by an LLM translation          arise  regarding  the  risks  associated  with  AI
            tool.  This  development  significantly  benefits    implementation  in  public  agencies.  How  do  we
            Sacramento’s diverse population.                     safeguard data privacy when AI systems process
                                                                 vast amounts  of sensitive information?  What
                                                                 measures are in place to address the potential biases
                                                                 inherent  in  AI  algorithms,  which  might  affect

                                                                 everything from  student  assessments  in  schools
                                                                 to  permit  approvals  in  city  planning?  Consider,
                                                                 for instance, an AI system inadvertently favoring
                                                                 certain neighborhoods over others in city planning,
                                                                 or a language translation tool misinterpreting
                                                                 crucial public health information. These scenarios
                                                                 underscore the need for rigorous oversight and
                                                                 ethical  guidelines  to  ensure AI’s  benefits  do  not
                                                                 come at the cost of fairness and privacy.

                                                                 This document is designed to help public agencies
                                                                 navigate the complex landscape of AI, addressing
                                                                 both  its  benefits  and  inherent  risks.  It  provides
            After her day at school, Mrs. Rivera consults the    a comprehensive technical  explanation of  AI
            AI system to analyze student feedback. The AI        systems, offering public agencies a foundational

            offers valuable insights into learning patterns and   understanding of how these technologies function.
            preferences, enabling her to tailor her teaching     More than just an overview, it guides agencies
            methods more effectively.                            on how to critically  evaluate AI tools for their

                                                                 specific  needs  and  contexts.  Furthermore,  the
            In  the  public  transportation  office,  planners   document explores the broader implications of AI
            employ AI algorithms to optimize bus and train       in the public sector, including how these systems
            schedules, aligning with the dynamic needs of        might  impact  agencies  indirectly,  even  if  they

            commuters, reducing wait times, and enhancing        are not direct users of the technology. Our goal
            the public transit experience.                       is  to  equip  public agencies  with the  knowledge
                                                                 to harness  AI’s potential  responsibly, ensuring
            As the day ends, the community of Sacramento         that  its integration  into  public  services  is both
            –  from  students  and  educators  to  city  staff  and   beneficial and ethically sound.
            planners – reflects on the transformative role of

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                  VOLUME  1    |   3
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