Page 7 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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marking  the  start  of AI  as  a  legitimate  area  of   effective  in  tasks  like  image  and  speech
            scientific inquiry.                                   recognition, leading to practical applications such

                                                                  as facial recognition software and voice-activated
            In  the  1970s,  AI  researchers  achieved  some      assistants.  Hardware  continued  to  improve,
            notable  successes, particularly  in  the  realm  of   giving researchers increasingly  easy access to
            rule-based  systems,  known  as  expert  systems,     the computing power needed to train and deploy
            designed to mimic the decision-making process         these  more  advanced  models. The  Internet  also
            of  human  experts  in  specific  domains,  such  as   played a critical  role in allowing collaboration
            medical  diagnosis  or  geological  exploration.      and the creation and sharing of open-source tools

            One  of  the  most  famous  examples  is  MYCIN,      that proved essential for further development.
            developed  at  Stanford,  which  could  diagnose
            bacterial  infections  and  recommend  antibiotics.   Through  the  2010s,  the  pace  of  advancement
            These systems demonstrated that AI could provide      and  key  breakthroughs  in  AI  continued  to
            practical solutions in narrow, well-defined areas,    accelerate.  One  of  the  more  notable  milestones
            boosting  confidence  in  the  field.  However,       was the success of AlphaGo, an AI developed by
            these systems were expensive  to develop  and         DeepMind,  which  in  2016  defeated  one  of  the
            maintain,  were  difficult  to  scale,  and  could  not   world’s  top  players  of  the  ancient  board  game
            handle  complex  reasoning  beyond  their  narrow     “Go”  which  is  renowned  for  its  deep  strategic

            domains  of  expertise.  These  issues,  along  with   complexity.  Unlike  chess,  where  brute-force
            the hardware limitations  of the time, tampered       calculation is often effective, Go requires a form
            interest in AI. Although there were brief periods     of intuitive understanding due to the vast number
            of renewed interest in AI over the next several       of possible positions. This complexity made Go
            decades, AI research largely languished.

            The late 1990s and 2000s marked a turning point

            in the history of AI, driven by the explosion of
            data and advancements in computing power. This
            era witnessed a shift from rule-based systems
            to machine  learning,  where instead  of being
            programmed  with  explicit  rules,  algorithms
            could “learn” patterns from data, allowing the AI
            systems to tackle more complex, less structured
            problems, from image  recognition  to natural
            language processing. The advent of the Internet

            led to unprecedented availability of data, allowing
            AI to be trained on large and diverse data sets.
            During  this  period,  deep  learning,  which  uses
            neural  networks  many  layers  “deep”  began  to
            gain  prominence,  which  proved  particularly

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                 VOLUME  1    |   7
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