Page 4 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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02       WHAT IS AI?

            02A. INTRODUCTION TO AI

            In the last decade, AI has evolved from a concept    process  in  the  human  brain.  Deep  Learning

            in  science  fiction  to  an  increasingly  important   utilizes neural networks, algorithms inspired by
            part of our professional and personal lives. Public   the  structure  and  function  of  the  human  brain.
            agencies will certainly not be immune from what      These neural networks are composed of layers of
            promises to be a rapid and transformational period   interconnected nodes, much like neurons in the
            in technological development. As we explore AI       human brain, which allow the system to recognize
            and its implications in this document, we begin      complex patterns in large amounts of data.
            by  addressing  some  of  the  fundamentals  of AI

            and Machine Learning (“ML”).                         Although AI may seem like a recent phenomenon,
                                                                 elements  of  AI  and  ML  have  long  been
            AI is the broad term used to describe the concept    incorporated into many everyday products and
            of  machines  being  able  to  carry  out  tasks  in  a   applications.  Take  voice  assistants  like  Siri,
            way  that  we  would  consider  “smart.”  That  is,   Alexa, and Google Assistant, for example. These
            computers with a human-like “intelligence” which     systems utilize AI to process audio data, recognize
            is “artificial.” In popular parlance, the term AI has   voices,  and  translate  spoken  words  into  written
            become synonymous with Large Language Models         instructions.  They  then  match  these  instructions
            (“LLM”) and other forms of generative AI, but it is   to  pre-programmed  commands  for  execution.

            important to recognize that the term AI refers to a   Importantly,  they  learn  from  each  interaction,
            long standing and very general field of study.       gradually improving their ability to understand and
                                                                 respond to requests. Similarly, services like Google
            ML, a significant branch of AI, is about teaching    Photos use AI vision models to recognize people
            machines to learn and make decisions from data.      and objects in our photos, simplifying organization
            Instead of being programmed with specific rules,     and retrieval. Navigation systems such as Google
            like  traditional  programs,  ML  algorithms  use    Maps  and Apple  Maps  exemplify AI’s  real-time

            data to learn and make predictions or decisions.     data  processing  capabilities.  They  analyze  vast
            The heart of ML lies in its ability to adapt and     amounts  of  information,  like  traffic  patterns  and
            improve from experience,  uncovering insights        road conditions, and continually adapt based on
            and identifying patterns without being explicitly    new data to provide the most efficient routes. These
            programmed to do so. To do this, ML relies on        examples highlight that AI and ML have already
            deep  learning  (“DL”)  which  involves  training    become familiar aspects of our lives, long before
            algorithms on large data sets to identify patterns   the current wave of AI enthusiasm.
            and  make  decisions,  much  like  the  learning

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