Page 6 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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instructions  to  those  capable  of  “thinking”  and
            “learning” in a way that is much closer to (and
            may  one  day  exceed)  human  cognition. As  we                        1956

            explore the implications of these technologies, it     Dartmouth Summer
                                                                   Research Project the term
            is important to understand that what sets LLMs         “artificial intelligence”     1970
                                                                   was coined.
            apart  is  not  just  their  advanced  capabilities  but                                     Advancement in
                                                                                                    rule-based ai systems
            also  their  potential  to  redefine  our  interaction                                  designed to mimic the
                                                                                                    decision-making process
            with machines and their role in our professional                                        of human experts in
                                                                                                    specific domains.
            and  personal  lives.  This  evolution  also  brings
            new considerations and challenges, which will                           ‘90s
            be critical to explore as we delve deeper into the     Shift from rule-based
                                                                   systems to deep learning
            implications of these advanced AI systems.             systems.

   02       B. HISTORY OF AI                                                                             Apple released Siri, a
                                                                                                    voice-powered personal
                                                                                                    assistant that can
                                                                                                    generate responses and
                                                                                                    take actions in response
            In  the  mid-20th  century,  a  revolutionary  idea                     2014            to voice requests.
            began to take shape: what if machines could think      Facebook developed the
                                                                   deep learning facial
            like  humans?  The  symbolic  kickoff  of  this  era   recognition system           2016
            was the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on                                                 AlphaGo defeats the
                                                                                                    world’s top players of “Go”
            Artificial Intelligence in 1956, organized by John                                      a board game known for
                                                                                                    its deep strategic
            McCarthy, a computer scientist who coined the                           2017            complexity.
                                                                   Transformer AI model
            phrase “artificial intelligence,” along with others.   introduced, built on
                                                                   attention mechanisms.
            The main objective of the conference was outlined                                   2018
            in the original proposal: “The study is to proceed                                           OpenAI released GPT
            on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect                        2019            paving the way for
                                                                                                    subsequent LLMs.
            of learning  or any other  feature  of intelligence    Google AI and Langon
                                                                   Medical Center’s deep
            can in principle be so precisely described that a      learning algorithm
                                                                   outperformed radiologists
            machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt         in detecting potential       2021
                                                                   lung cancers.
            will be made to find how to make machines use                                                OpenAI introduced
                                                                                                    Dall-E multimodal AI
                                                                                                    system that can generate
            language, form abstractions and concepts, solve                                         images from text prompts.
            the kinds of problems now reserved for humans,
            and  improve  themselves.” Although  this  group                        2023
                                                                   Open AI announced
            had ambitious goals, the challenges of mimicking       GPT-4 multimodal LLM
                                                                   that receives both text
            human  intelligence  were more  complex  than          and image prompts.
            they or the technology available at the time were
            able to overcome. Still, this conference laid the

            foundation for future research and collaboration,

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