Page 12 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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recognizing  patterns  in  how  words  are  used  to   3. EMERGENT PROPERTIES IN LLMs

            convey  different  meanings.  For  instance,  the    Emergent  properties  in  LLMs  refer  to
            model discerns whether the word “bank” refers        behaviors, capabilities,  or phenomena  that
            to  a  financial  institution  or  a  riverbank  based   arise unexpectedly as these models process and
            on  the  surrounding  context.  Ultimately,  LLMs    synthesize vast amounts of data. These properties
            function through probability, predicting the next    are  not  explicitly  programmed  into  the  AI  but
            word in a sequence relying on patterns the model     develop naturally from the complex interactions
            learned through its training data. For example, if   within the model’s architecture and its exposure

            the input text is about finance, the word “bank”     to diverse training data. Spanning beyond mere
            would have a higher  probability  of following       language  generation,  emergent properties  can
            words like “money” or “transaction” than “river”     include  aspects  like  creativity,  logic,  and  task-
            or “stream.” Through this training process, LLMs     specific learning abilities that the model was not
            not only learn common phrases and terminology        directly trained to perform.
            but also pick up on subtler aspects like idiomatic
            expressions, cultural references, and even humor.    A central debate in the study of emergent
            As we will  discuss in  more  detail  in  the  next   properties is whether these behaviors represent
            part related to emergent properties, LLMs may        “actual”  understanding  and  reasoning  or  are

            also  learn  the  underlying  meanings,  concepts,   sophisticated simulations thereof. For example,
            and logic of their training data, enabling them      one recent study suggested that emergent
            to  develop  human-like  capabilities,  including    properties might sometimes be illusions shaped
            creativity and logic.
                                                                 by how researchers interpret and evaluate
                                                                 models,  rather  than  actual  abilities.  This
                                                                 distinction  is  crucial  yet  nuanced.  If  an  LLM
                                                                 consistently performs tasks with apparent logical
                                                                 abilities, the practical distinction for end users
                                                                 might be minimal. However, this does not negate
                                                                 the importance of understanding the underlying

                                                                 mechanisms, especially when considering the
                                                                 ethical and safety implications of AI.

                                                                 As examples, an early research paper demonstrated
                                                                 that  GPT-4  is  able  to  understand  mathematical
                                                                 concepts to a certain degree, suggesting that it did
                                                                 not simply “learn” the order of certain numerals

                                                                 in relation to computation symbols (e.g., 4+4 =
                                                                 8) but that it learned the underlying mathematical
                                                                 concepts and was able to apply them to unique
                                                                 questions  not  present  in  its  training  set.  In

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