Page 15 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
P. 15


            Open-source  and  closed-source  (also  known  as
            proprietary) are types of software licenses which dictate         OPEN-SOURCE IS SEEN AS A
            who can view and build upon source code. Software                WAY OF DEMOCRATIZING THE
            that  is  open-source  generally  means  that  the  source     TECHNOLOGY AND PREVENTING
            code is freely available to anyone who can inspect it or         LOCK-IN, BUT THERE IS CAUSE
            build upon it (with certain restrictions). Closed-source                   FOR CONCERN.
            software, as the name implies, means that the software

            is not freely available.

            With respect to LLMs, the popular models most people
            are familiar with, such as GPT-4, Claude2, and Google’s           OPEN-SOURCED
            Gemini  family  of  models,  are  all  closed  source.
            However, there  is an  active  and increasingly  robust           Source code is available to view,
            open-source LLM community. Meta has released their                learn from, copy, change and
            LLaMA2 model as open-source, allowing startups and
            hobbyists alike to use and fine tune the model without            Updates are made often and

            cost. Mistral_AI’s Mixtral model, discussed above, was            errors are corrected rapidly.
            also released as open-source.
                                                                              Greater risk of harmful results.

            There is a large philosophical debate regarding open-
            source and closed-source LLM approaches. The open-                            VS
            source community is concerned that as LLMs and AI
            generally  become  more  powerful,  there  is  a  risk  that

            a few large companies will control the technology on              CLOSED-SOURCED
            which  society  will  increasingly  depend.  Open-source
            is seen as a way of democratizing the technology and              Only the original developers
            preventing  lock-in.  The  concern  with  open-source             of the source code are able to
            LLMs is that they typically do not have the same built-           modify.
            in safety guardrails, discussed in the next part, that            Any modifications attempted by
            large technology companies employ. This means there               a non-developer is illegal.
            is a greater danger that these unrestricted models could
            be used by bad actors to produce harmful results (e.g.,           Built in guardrails to keep user

            misinformation, malware, bullying content).                       information safe.

            In  practice,  there  are  several  advantages  to  open-
            source  models.  First,  due  to  the  active  startup  and
            hobbyist  community  building  on  these  models,  there

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                 VOLUME  1    |   15
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