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likely to be eliminated completely. One of the       engineering  can  further  refine  their  outputs,
            current areas of focus in LLM development is         especially  in  complex  or  specialized  tasks.  For

            on making the models better able to tell when a      example,  a  sophisticated  combination  of  Chain
            user request requires a factually accurate answer    of  Thought  and  Multi-shot  prompting  was
            as opposed to when the user is seeking creativity    demonstrated  in  a  study  to  enhance  GPT-4’s
            or problem solving from the model and allowing       performance, enabling it to outperform medical
            the model to respond accordingly. Still, for the     domain-specific models in medical exams. This
            foreseeable future, users should expect the need     finding suggests that while everyday use of LLMs
            to check the accuracy of information provided        might not require intricate prompting techniques,
            by LLMs to continue, particularly for high           there is a significant potential to unlock additional
            stakes applications.                                 capabilities  through  careful  and  innovative

                                                                 prompting strategies.
            Prompt engineering is a technique that involves      9. THE FUTURE: AGI/ASI AND AI AGENTS
            strategically  crafting  inputs  (prompts)  to  elicit   Artificial  general  intelligence  (“AGI”)  and

            more effective or specific responses from LLMs. A    artificial super intelligence (“ASI”) refer generally
            prompt is essentially the initial text input given to   to AI systems capable of reasoning at the level
            an LLM, which guides its subsequent output. The      of an average human or at the level beyond even
            art of prompt engineering lies in understanding      expert  humans,  respectively. These  systems  are
            how different styles or structures of prompts can    only theoretical, and even how AGI and SGI are
            influence the model’s response.                      defined are the subject of much debate. That is,
                                                                 how will we know that an AI system truly has
            Two  notable  strategies  in  prompt  engineering    general intelligence on par with or even surpassing
            are Chain of Thought and Multi-shot prompting.       humans?  Also, does it  matter  if  these  systems

            Chain of Thought prompting involves structuring      truly  “understand”  and  are  “intelligent”  in  the
            a query in a way that leads the model through a      same way humans are, or is it sufficient that the
            step-by-step  reasoning  process, often  helping  it   systems simulate such capabilities to a convincing
            to produce more accurate and logically coherent      degree, as discussed above. While these systems
            responses.   Multi-shot   prompting    involves      are years, if not decades away, assuming they are
            providing multiple  examples or iterations  of a     possible at all, it is important to understand that
            query to guide the model more precisely towards      it is the explicit mission of many of the leading

            the  desired  response.  There  are  many  other     AI companies to develop AGI and eventually SGI
            strategies, and this is an active area of research as   systems. Moreover, understanding and adapting
            more techniques are discovered to get LLMs to        to  current  AI  technologies  will  better  prepare
            produce better results.                              agencies  for  if  or  when AGI  and  SGI  systems
                                                                 become widely available.
            While LLMs like GPT-4 are trained to respond
            effectively to natural language requests, prompt

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