Page 21 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
P. 21

AI  Agents  are  advanced  implementations  of       intelligence, making it imperative that their actions
            LLMs  and  other  AI  technology  capable  of        remain beneficial and aligned with human interests.
            decision-making  and  taking  actions  in  the  real   A classic  illustration  of misalignment  is the
            world. The user provides the AI Agent with an        “paperclip problem,” a thought experiment where
            overarching  goal  and  the  AI  Agent  proceeds     an AI designed to manufacture paperclips could
            by  creating  a  plan  of  action,  executing  tasks,   potentially  exhaust global resources or cause

            and  making  adjustments  to  its  plan  based  on   harm in its single-minded pursuit of maximizing
            experience,  continuing  this process until the      paperclip production. This paperclip producing AI,
            user’s  defined  goal  has  been  achieved.  OpenAI   given only the instruction to maximize paper clip
            recently released an early implementation of AI      production, manipulates the stock market to drive
            Agents that are capable of this decision-making      down metal prices, begins buying raw materials
            process  and  taking  limited  real-world  actions.   at vast quantities thus depleting their availability
            This  is  currently  a  major  area  of  development   for purposes other than the manufacturer  of

            focus, and there will likely be greater numbers of   paperclips, engages in activities  designed to
            more sophisticated AI agents in 2024.                harm competing paper clip companies, and even
                                                                 produces misinformation to destabilize countries
            10. SUPERALIGNMENT                                   with  metal  deposits  to  drive  down  prices.  This
            Alignment in the context of AI, particularly with    scenario underscores the importance of ensuring
            LLMs, refers to the ongoing efforts to ensure that   that AI  systems  comprehend  and  adhere  to  the

            these models act in ways that are in accordance with   broader context and consequences of their actions,
            human values and intentions. The goal is to develop   beyond their immediate objectives.
            models that not only understand and execute tasks
            but also align these tasks with the ethical, moral,   The  study  of  alignment  and  superalignment  is
            and practical preferences of their users.            not  just  academic  but  a  practical  necessity. As
                                                                 AI systems become more integrated into critical
            Superalignment goes beyond basic alignment to        aspects  of  our  lives  and  work,  ensuring  that

            ensure that AI systems not only perform tasks in     they act in ways that are beneficial, ethical, and
            line  with  human  intentions but also  proactively   aligned  with  our  broader  goals  is  paramount.
            anticipate and align with broader human values       While these concepts may seem futuristic, they
            and goals, especially in scenarios where direct      form  a  foundational  aspect  of  responsible  AI
            instructions  may  not  be  clear  or  sufficient.   development  and  are  critical  for  guiding  the
            This  aspect  of AI  development  is  crucial  in  the   trajectory  of AI  advancements  towards  positive
            hypothetical scenario where AI surpasses human       and sustainable outcomes.

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                 VOLUME  1    |   21
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