Page 16 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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are  greater  numbers  of  specialized,  fine-tuned,   developers and trainers interact with the model,

            and  domain  specific  models  to  take  advantage   providing guidance on its responses which helps
            of. Second, the open-source community has been       the model learn the art of conversation, not just
            particularly  interested  in developing  smaller     as  a  language  tool,  but  as  an  interactive  entity
            models needing less computational power, such        capable of assisting, advising, and entertaining.
            that the models can be run locally on generally
            available consumer hardware, such as the Mixtral     In  addition  to  learning  from  conversational
            model which is capable of running on mid-range       examples  and  feedback,  LLM  models  are  also

            laptops. A locally run LLM eliminates many of        guided  by  explicit  system-level  instructions.
            the privacy concerns that exist with large closed-   These  instructions  define  the  boundaries  of  the
            source models which require you to transmit data     model’s responses, ensuring they adhere to ethical
            to their company servers and then may utilize that   guidelines, avoid misinformation, and stay within
            data to further train their models. A locally run    the scope of appropriate and safe interactions.
            model never transfers data outside of the user’s
            system. Finally, open-source models continue to      Fine-tuning  is  a  process  where  a  pre-trained
            work even if the developer discontinues support.     foundational model is further trained on a specific
            This  mitigates  a  concern  that  was  recently     data set to tailor its capabilities to particular needs

            raised  when  OpenAI’s  board  of  directors  fired   or domains. This could involve training the model
            their CEO, threatening the future availability of    on  domain-specific  information,  to  create  an
            ChatGPT and the GPT-4 model which could have         expert domain-specific model, or on data from a
            been  a  substantial  problem  for the  companies    particular company or agency such that the model
            that built software utilizing OpenAI’s service or    is  able  to  perform  specific  tasks  for  the  entity
            entities  which  integrated  OpenAI  services  into   with greater precision. A key advantage of fine-
            their operations.                                    tuning is the ability to maintain the AI’s general

                                                                 capabilities  while  enhancing  its  performance  in
            6. PRE-TRAINING, FINE-TUNING, AND                    specific areas. Unlike a model trained solely on
            GUARDRAIL STRATEGIES                                 domain-specific data, a fine-tuned model retains
            As previously discussed, LLMs start with training    its extensive base knowledge. This dual capability
            on large and varied data sets enabling the model     allows the model to provide specialized assistance
            to  understand  and  generate  human-like  text.     while still being able to draw upon a broad range

            Transitioning  from  a  word  prediction  generator   of general knowledge when needed.
            to  an AI  assistant  or  chatbot  involves  teaching
            the model the format and flow of conversations.      Guardrails  and  other  procedures  are  critical  to
            This  is  where  pre-training  evolves  into  a  more   ensure  LLM  systems  are  safe  for  deployment.
            focused learning phase. The model is exposed to      One common method is known as “red teaming”
            examples of dialogues and question-answer pairs,     wherein the developers and outside experts utilize
            simulating real-world conversational patterns. An    models to actively try to exploit weaknesses and

            integral part of this phase is human feedback. AI    produce unexpected  behaviors by simulating

     16   |    VOLUME  1                                                        FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM
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