Page 13 - AI Vol 1: Foundations of AI
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another intriguing example from the same
            paper, researchers showed that GPT-4 was able
            to suggest a stable way to stack a set of objects
            provided by the researchers (whereas GPT-3 was

            not),  suggesting  the  model  was  able  to  utilize
            “common  sense”  if  not  a  deeper  understanding
            of objects and how they behave in the physical
            world. As previously mentioned, while these are
            intriguing case studies, it is a matter of debate
            whether these models are actually demonstrating
            these capabilities, or just have become very good
            at simulating them.

            In  practice,  LLMs  have  demonstrated  abilities
            akin  to  human  reasoning,  creativity,  problem
            solving,  and  the  ability  to  synthesize  large
            amounts  of  information  from  diverse  sources.
            These are all powerful capabilities that hold the
            promise of improving agency functions, while         4. MODEL TYPES
            also presenting new challenges as LLMs become        It is useful to understand the growing diversity

            more  widely  distributed  among  the  public.       of LLM model types, both because it provides
            Emergent  properties  may  manifest  themselves      a  better  understanding  of  how these  systems
            in ways that  developers  cannot  predict,  largely   function  generally, and because  it will  provide
            owing to the complex and opaque nature of how        public agency officials with the basic knowledge
            these  abilities  are  developed  in  the  first  place,   needed  to  evaluate  LLM  based  products.  We
            presenting  risks  that  are  difficult  to  anticipate.   will provide a brief overview of the three most
            Originally, emergent  properties  were associated    prominent  LLM  model  types:  foundational
            with large-scale LLMs, with capabilities in larger   models,  domain-specific  models,  and  multi-
            models absent in smaller counterparts. However,      expert models.

            recent  developments  indicate  the  possibility  of
            emergent behaviors in smaller models, expanding      Foundational models are versatile, large-scale
            the scope of research and potential applications.    models designed to handle a broad spectrum of
            Accordingly, we are likely to see more advanced      tasks. Examples include GPT-3, GPT-4, Claude2,
            models  with new and more  capable  emergent         and Google’s Gemini models. These models are
            properties  as  model  sizes  increase  and  further   trained on a large and varied data set, providing
            technical development can produce these abilities    them with generalist capabilities and making them

            even at smaller scales.                              adaptable  for  a  variety  of  use  cases.  However,

     FOUNDATIONS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                 VOLUME  1    |   13
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