Law Firm News

Staying Under the Umbrella: Board Members' Obligations and Immunities

Attorney Michelle L. Cannon presents an overview and summary of school board members' obligations and immunities under California Law. (13:38)

Watch Individual Sections

Part 1 of 3 - (4:48)

In this part:

  • Definitions and exceptions to immunities.

  • Board member obligations, and immunities for a board member if he or she fails to fulfill these obligations.

  • Overview of the general rules governing immunity.

  • Principal immunity statute.

Part 2 of 3 - (3:15)

In this part:

  • Differentiating "acts" of board members and governmental employees.

Part 3 of 3 - (6:11)

In this part:

  • Can Board members be sued?

  • Exceptions to immunities.

  • The biggest take-away from the depth and breadth of Board member obligations and immunities.