Eric Barba
Partner | Walnut Creek
Tel: 925.953.1620
Fax: 925.953.1625
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Eric Barba is a Partner in Lozano Smith's Walnut Creek Office. He specializes in labor, employment, and governance issues for school districts and public entities.Experience
Mr. Barba has significant experience handling personnel matters, including classified and certificated discipline, up to and including termination hearings, addressing civil rights complaints before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and California Civil Rights Department, and classified and certificated layoffs. Additionally, Mr. Barba supports clients with traditional labor matters before PERB and at the bargaining table, benefit and retirement issues before CalPERS and CalSTRS, and workplace investigations. In addition to a robust labor and employment practice, Mr. Barba supports public entities with governance issues, including Brown Act, California Public Records Act, and California Voting Rights Act compliance. Mr. Barba is also a member of Lozano Smith’s charter schools practice group where he supports charter school authorizers on California Charter Schools Act issues.In addition to his current specializations, Mr. Barba has advised school boards regarding state and federal civil rights laws, including Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; student discipline; Fourth Amendment protections; and education record privacy. He is experienced in conducting internal investigations and has prepared external responses for complaints filed with the U.S. Department of Education, including the Office for Civil Rights and the Student Privacy Policy Office.
Previously, Mr. Barba served as the Director of JD Admissions for an Ivy League law school. Mr. Barba credits this experience with sharpening his dedication to, and special understanding of, providing educational administrators with responsive, sound, and practical legal advice to address their daily operational needs.