Page 7 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
P. 7

01       B. PRIVACY

                                                                   REAL WORLD USERS PROVIDING
                                                                    AI SYSTEMS WITH FEEDBACK IS
            Like any software application or cloud service,         VERY VALUABLE FOR FUTURE AI
            users must be able to trust and rely on the                       DEVELOPMENT.
            companies they are entrusting with sensitive
            information and ensure there are adequate data

            protections. This concern is particularly acute in   it was trained on when faced with similar queries
            the context of AI and LLMs, as user inputs and       from different users.
            responses may be used to train current or future
            models. One of the ways that AI models advance       Imagine a public agency implementing an AI-
            is through reinforcement  learning,  discussed in    powered chatbot to assist citizens with inquiries.
            more detail above, whereby the model generates       An employee engages with the chatbot to input
            one or several  responses and a human  user          diverse citizen questions and receive appropriate
            rates the output. The model incorporates human       responses. Although the chatbot does not retain
            feedback and adjusts the model to perform closer     the exact questions or answers, if the employee

            to the desired result in the future. User interactions   identifies  a  unique  citizen  concern  and  seeks
            with LLMs and other AI systems can be used to        clarification, the chatbot may recognize similar
            provide some of this reinforcement learning, as      issues  in  subsequent  interactions  and  offer
            users can either  directly  provide feedback  on a   tailored assistance.
            model’s response to a prompt (e.g., a “thumbs
            up” or “thumbs down” in the ChatGPT interface)       While  LLMs are  generally trained  to  learn  the
            or the AI system  administrator  may  be able  to    patterns of the data they are trained on, rather than

            discern  whether  the  user  was  satisfied  with  the   to “memorize” exact copies, there are instances
            response based on subsequent interactions (e.g.,     when this can happen. LLMs memorizing their
            the user thanks the model for the help, or has       training data is called “overfitting” and is a problem
            to repeatedly clarify their questions and prompt     developers guard against as it makes the models
            to get to a desired output). Real world users        less useful. However, in rare circumstances the
            providing this kind of feedback is very valuable     models may memorize portions of their training
            for future AI development.                           data and reproduce it in an output to a user request.

                                                                 One study found that  an attacker  could cause
            As discussed in Volume 1, LLMs typically do not      ChatGPT and other LLMs to reproduce verbatim

            store information in a database or memorize the      training  data  in an output,  including  personally
            data they're trained on. Instead, they learn from    identifiable  information.  The  New  York  Times
            patterns within the data. So, while a model trained   used ChatGPT outputs which included verbatim
            on user inputs shouldn't directly reproduce those    text from New York Times articles as part of the
            prompts for other users, it can still understand     basis of their copyright lawsuit against OpenAI
            and replicate the underlying information. In other   and Microsoft.  While  the risk of information
            words, it may generate responses similar to those    contained in user inputs being outputted to other

     RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                       VOLUME  2    |   7
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