Page 5 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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                   DECISIONS, IS A CRITICAL
                  IN AI SYSTEMS, ESPECIALLY
                  WITHIN PUBLIC AGENCIES.

            When bias is identified after deployment, public
            agencies  should  first  and  foremost  ensure  that   essential, encouraging employees to question and
            the bias does not impact  agency decisions.          challenge AI recommendations when necessary.
            Additionally, agencies can work with developers to   Agencies should also have protocols for reporting
            adjust the model or seek alternative solutions that   potential biases or inaccuracies in AI decisions.
            demonstrate a stronger commitment to unbiased        This feedback can inform the agency's decision
            outcomes.  While the technical  details  of these    on whether to use a specific AI system and may

            corrections  are  managed  by specialists,  agency   also be communicated to the developer to enhance
            officials  should  understand  the  broad  strategies   the model, aiming to mitigate bias.
            used for bias correction,  such as diversifying
            training data or adjusting the algorithm's decision-  Bias may also be minimized  by engaging  in
            making parameters.                                   prompting strategies which promote transparency

                                                                 and are less prone to bias. Instead of asking an AI
            Incorporating  a  “human  in  the  loop,”  requiring   system to make broad assessments or decisions,

            human oversight of  AI-generated  decisions,         a  more  targeted  approach  in  questioning  can
            is a critical  mitigation  measure  for addressing
            potential biases in AI systems, especially within
            public agencies. This approach ensures that AI-
            generated decisions are not made in isolation but
            are instead reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted by         “THE THING THAT’S GOING
            human oversight. For this approach to be effective,            TO MAKE ARTIFICIAL
            agency  personnel involved  in overseeing  AI            INTELLIGENCE SO POWERFUL
            decisions need appropriate training. They should          IS ITS ABILITY TO LEARN, AND
                                                                        THE WAY AI LEARNS IS TO
            be aware of the potential biases AI systems might         LOOK AT HUMAN CULTURE.”
            hold and be equipped  to identify  signs of such
            biases in decision outputs. Additionally, fostering                   - DAN BROWN
            a culture of critical engagement with AI tools is

     RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                       VOLUME  2    |   5
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