Page 2 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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            01A. BIAS

            A primary  concern  raised  about  the  use of  AI   inadvertently learn and replicate these biases. For
            systems is its potential to exhibit bias in decision   instance, if an AI system is trained on employment
            making. AI  bias,  a  reflection  of  discriminatory   data  that  historically  favors a particular
            patterns  or  unequal  representations  in  the  data   demographic,  it may continue  to replicate  this

            or  its  application,  poses  significant  risks.  It   favoritism, despite changes in societal norms or
            can  inadvertently  perpetuate  existing  societal   legal standards. The repercussions of training AI
            prejudices,  leading  to  unequal  treatment  of     systems on biased data are significant, especially
            individuals  or groups. Recent  experiences  with    for public agencies. Decisions based on such data
            Google Gemini  have  also demonstrated  that         can lead  to discriminatory  outcomes,  such as
            programming protocols intended to prevent bias,      unfair resource allocation, biased hiring practices,
            can also lead to the generation of inaccurate data.  or unequal service provision.

            AI is fundamentally shaped by the data it is trained   Not all AI bias is caused by the underlying biases

            on. This data, typically vast in scope, is generally   that are learned by the model’s training data. Bias
            all  human generated  and it does not always         can also occur due to the way the AI algorithm
            provide a neutral or unbiased representation  of     processes  and  prioritizes  different  inputs,
            reality. AI systems learn by identifying patterns    sometimes at the direction of the user. In many
            and correlations in their training data. If this data   AI systems,  decisions  are  made  based  on  a  set
            includes historical prejudices or societal biases –   of features or attributes considered relevant. For
            whether in terms of race, gender, socioeconomic      instance, in employment decisions, factors such

            status, or other characteristics – the AI is likely to   as years of experience, education level, or past job

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