Page 6 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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reveal the underlying logic of its conclusions.      system's  decisions consider relevant factors or
            For example, rather  than  having  an  AI model      mask other influences. Prompting strategies that
            determine which students should be placed in an      take a targeted approach to decision making, and
            academic intervention program, a more effective      require AI systems to explain their logic, empower
            prompt would be to ask the AI model to identify      human decision makers to make informed
            students  struggling  with  specific  aspects  of  the   decisions about whether to accept,  modify, or

            curriculum, such as multiplication, and to explain   reject AI recommendations. It also fosters a more
            the factors the AI system considered to reach that   critical and engaged approach to using AI tools,
            conclusion. This process could be repeated over      ensuring that these powerful technologies  are
            various aspects of curriculum, and at that point     used responsibly and ethically.
            the AI model could be asked to identify students
            in need of an academic intervention program and      In navigating  the  complexities  of  AI, public
            to explain the factors the AI considered for each    agencies  should proactively  address the

            student. This approach not only provides specific    inherent  risks of bias through rigorous testing,
            insights but also enables human reviewers to         human oversight, and strategic  prompting.  By
            understand the basis of the AI's decisions. While    implementing  these measures, agencies can
            the AI system may not always be transparent in       harness the potential  of  AI while upholding
            explaining  its decisions, this approach  allows     their commitment to fairness, transparency, and
            the  human  reviewer  to assess whether  the  AI     accountability in public service.

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