Page 4 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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raises questions about accountability  and trust,
                TESTING AI MODELS FOR BIAS                       particularly  in  scenarios  where  decisions  have
                 INVOLVES ANALYZING HOW                          substantial impacts on individuals or communities.
              THE SYSTEM MAKES DECISIONS                         Without  transparency,  it  is  difficult  to  ascertain
                ACROSS DIFFERENT GROUPS                          whether  decisions are  fair, free  from  bias,  or
                        AND SCENARIOS.                           even  aligned  with  the  agency's goals  and  legal

                                                                 obligations. The lack of transparency exacerbates
                                                                 the issue of identifying and addressing bias in AI
            can  deepen  existing  inequalities  or create  new   systems. If the decision-making process is unclear,
            forms of discrimination.  Imagine  an AI system      it becomes challenging  to determine  whether a
            designed to identify students needing additional     biased  reasoning  pattern exists  and,  if  so, what
            academic support. If this system is trained on data   is causing it. This is particularly problematic in

            that  inadvertently  prioritizes  certain  indicators   situations  where  decisions  may  be  influenced
            of  performance  –  which  may  be  influenced  by   by subtle forms of bias that are not immediately
            socio-economic  status,  access  to  resources,  or   apparent.
            other  external  factors  – it  might  consistently
            recommend more advanced resources for students       For public agencies employing  AI systems,
            from more affluent backgrounds while relegating      it is vital to be aware of the potential for bias
            those from underprivileged backgrounds to an         within  these  models  and  understand  the  general
            academic intervention program. Over time, this       approaches for mitigating it. One strategy is early
            can  widen the  educational  achievement  gap,       testing of AI models to identify potential biases.

            as the  AI's decisions  reinforce  and  exacerbate   Testing AI models for bias involves analyzing how
            existing disparities.                                the system makes decisions across different groups
                                                                 and scenarios. This process helps identify if the
            The nature of  AI, particularly in advanced and      AI system is unfairly favoring or disadvantaging
            complex systems, often involves a level of opacity   certain groups. Since most public agencies may
            that  makes  it  challenging  to  understand  how    not have the technical capacity to test and correct
            decisions are made, thus obscuring whether and       AI models internally, it is advisable to engage

            how  biased  reasoning  might  be  influencing  AI-  with developers, vendors, or third-party auditors
            driven decisions. Extremely complex computations     who have the necessary expertise.  Additionally,
            make it difficult to trace how inputs are transformed   agencies could require that entities they contract
            into outputs. In simpler terms, these systems can    with conduct thorough bias testing as part of their
            become 'black boxes' where the reasoning behind      service agreement.  This can include periodic
            a specific decision is not transparent.              reviews and audits of the AI systems to identify
                                                                 and address any emerging biases. Public agencies
            For public agencies, the inability  to fully         can establish standards for the models they utilize,
            understand or explain the decision-making process    including requirements for transparency regarding

            of  AI  systems  poses  significant  challenges.  It   bias testing procedures and corrective measures.

     4   |    VOLUME  2                                                                 RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM
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