Page 17 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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                                                                      KEY CONTACTS

            As the  AI landscape  evolves rapidly, the                            Karen M. Rezendes
            emergence  of unforeseen  harms  and  risks is                        Partner | Walnut Creek

            inevitable. Recognizing this, both state and federal        
            governments are moving towards implementing
            regulations to mitigate potential risks associated
            with  AI systems.  At Lozano Smith, we are
            dedicated  to maintaining  our position  at  the                      Nicholas J. Clair
            forefront of addressing legal issues related to AI.                   Senior Counsel | Sacramento
            With our team of subject matter experts, we are

            committed to assisting your agency in navigating
            the complexities of AI  law, ensuring that your
            policies, procedures, and utilization of AI systems                   Robert A. Lomeli
            adhere to relevant legal standards.                                   Associate | San Luis Obispo

                                                                                  Karina Demirchyan
                                                                                  Associate | San Luis Obispo

                                                                                  Andy Garcia
                                                                                  Executive Director | Fresno

                                                                      ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

                                                                      •  Visit our website for the latest
                                                                        news and resources on the topic of
                                                                        artificial intelligence.  > Click here

                                                                      •  Listen to our latest podcast on
                                                                        artificial intelligence.  > Click here

     RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                      VOLUME  2    |   17
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