Page 13 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
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systems, and being transparent  with the public
            regarding AI deployments as early as possible.          E X AMP LE

            Agencies should also be aware that the regulatory
            landscape of AI development and deployment is                  An employer will be liable if an
            changing  rapidly. Federally,  many  departments                algorithmic decision-making

            and agencies,  including  the  Department  of
            Education, are set to put out regulations on the                   tool utilized in the hiring
            use  of AI systems at  some  point  in  2024.  The            process results in a violation of a
            State  of California  is similarly  considering               provision of the Americans with
            various regulatory  and statutory measures that                         Disabilities Act.
            could  affect  the  use  of  AI  in  public  agencies.
            Accordingly, it is critical for agencies to stay

            informed about these developments to avoid any
            violations  of law  or regulation  in  this  quickly
            evolving legal landscape.

     RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                       VOLUME  2    |   13
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