Page 14 - AI Vol 2: Risks of AI
P. 14


            It is important to recognize that the impacts of     full image or video deepfakes of public agency
            AI on public agencies will not just be limited to    officials. As we head into the election season, AI
            how agencies themselves chose to deploy (or not)     disinformation  is one of the  primary  concerns
            these systems. As AI begins to proliferate through   of experts studying the impact of AI on society.
            society, public agencies will have to learn to adapt   Given AI’s potential to make these disinformation
            to new challenges these systems bring.               campaigns easier, we can expect these strategies

                                                                 to be employed at the local level as well as state-
            As constituents and parents increasingly turn to     wide and federal elections.  This is particularly
            AI systems for information  regarding  agencies,     likely  as  political  activists  and  groups have
            policies,  and laws, as well  as to  shape  their    increasingly  targeted their activism  at the local
            understanding of the agency's decisions, reliance    level,  a  strategy  that  first  gained  prominence
            on these systems is expected  to rise. Although      during the COVID-19 pandemic.
            the  information  people  receive  from LLMs
            may be incorrect for any number of reasons           It  is also  possible  that  as the  general  public
            (bad prompting,  hallucinations,  poor quality       gains an understanding  and acceptance  of  AI

            information  retrieval),  people are primed to       technology, their  expectations  about  public
            believe that these systems are providing accurate    agency use of these systems may shift. Currently,
            information, particularly  when it comes from        given the attention  on hallucinations,  bias, and
            companies  they  have  high  confidence  in  (e.g.,   other problems associated with AI systems, many
            Google,  Microsoft).  For example,  many  people     communities  may  be  skeptical  of any  public
            have come to trust the accuracy of information       agency deployment of AI technology. However,
            obtained from a  Google  Search  result  and  may    it’s possible  that  over  time,  as  AI systems

            incorrectly  assume  the  information  obtained
            from a Google  Gemini  interaction  is of equal
            quality. It is likely  that agencies  will begin to
            see misinformation spread in their communities
            based on shared interactions with LLMs, a fact
            that will be further exacerbated by people’s biases
            for trusting AI sources.

            AI can  also  be  used to  spread  disinformation

            intentionally.  This includes things like mass
            producing  targeted  social media  posts, voice
            cloning  systems being  used to make  it  appear
            that an official said something they did not, and

     14   |    VOLUME  2                                                                RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM
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