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improve and are integrated into the lives of more
            people,  these  perceptions  may  shift.  Agencies
            may experience the general public sentiment to
            shift from “Why are you using AI given all  of         AGENCIES SHOULD EXPECT THEY
                                                                    WILL INCREASINGLY BE UNDER
            its flaws” to “Why aren’t you using AI given its        SCRUTINY BY INDIVIDUALS AND
            benefits,  particularly  in  terms  of  cost  savings.”   GROUPS LEVERAGING AI FOR
            For example,  the  public  may  question  why                THEIR OWN PURPOSES.

            agency resources and staff time are being used for
            a certain task when available AI systems could
            significantly decrease the time and cost required    agencies,  a  vendor  could  use  AI to  sneak  an
            for completion.                                      unfavorable contract provision into an agreement
                                                                 in such a way that the agency might not notice it
                                                                 on a quick review.

                                                                 There  is also the potential  for groups and
                                                                 individuals to leverage AI systems to assess legal
                                                                 vulnerabilities  of public  agencies.  LLMs can
                                                                 be used to analyze vast amounts of information
                                                                 about public agencies, whether publicly available
                                                                 on the internet or produced in response to CPRA
                                                                 requests and compare  it against  databases
                                                                 of  laws  and  agency  policies  to  identify  legal
                                                                 vulnerabilities. No agency is perfect and minor

                                                                 legal  missteps  are  not uncommon.  AI systems
                                                                 will be able to thoroughly scan for these issues
            AI  will  also  impact  day-to-day  operations       and identify concerns that likely  would have
            of agencies, as the vendors they deal with           been overlooked  by a non-expert  human.  The
            increasingly  utilize  these systems both in their   purpose of this use could be fundamentally fair,
            product  offerings  and  in  their  own  internal    such as a disappointed bidder using AI to scan

            operations.  For  example,  a  vendor  of  finance   the low bid for an agency contract  in order to
            software  may  utilize AI  in  an  effort  to  provide   identify grounds to submit a bid protest. Another
            better  financial  planning  strategies  without     relatively  innocuous example  would be a non-
            directly informing the client. The agency could      profit concerned with compliance in certain areas
            thus find itself faced with many of the problems     of law (e.g., prevailing wage regulations) using
            associated  with  AI information  and decision-      AI to identify potential instances of agency non-
            making discussed above, but without the              compliance.  However, this practice  could  be
            opportunity to evaluate the risks. As an example     “weaponized” by individuals or groups looking
            of how a vendor’s internal use could impact          to  target  a  particular  agency.  Agencies  should

     RISKS OF AI  |  LOZANOSMITH.COM                                                                       VOLUME  2    |   15
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