Page 12 - Special Education One Sheets
P. 12

Case Examples

               >   Repeating goals year after year may indicate a student is not receiving a FAPE.  Where goals are
               inappropriate in light of the student’s abilities or are identical to goals from prior IEPs, a court may
               find that they are an indication that the student has not been offered FAPE or is not making progress.
               (Endrew F. v. Douglas County Sch. Dist. RE-1, 69 IDELR 174 (U.S. 2017).)

               >   Avoid vague and immeasurable goals.  Because the goals in the child’s IEP were expressed in subjective
               and inexact terms such as “to increase participation,” and “to increase compliance,” the team could not
               make an objective analysis of whether the child was making progress toward his goals and objectives.
               (Anchorage Sch. Dist., 51 IDELR 230 (SEA AK 2008).)

               >   Each IEP goal should have corresponding items of instruction or services.  Having goals without related
               programming indicates that the district is not providing FAPE. (Burlington Sch. Dist., 20 IDELR 1303 (SEA
               VT 1994).)

               >   An IEP should pass the “stranger” test.  Under this test, an IEP goal is appropriate if a person unfamiliar
               with the IEP would be able to implement the goal, implement the assessment of the student’s progress on
               the goal, and determine whether the student’s progress was satisfactory. (Mason City Cmty. Sch. Dist., 46
               IDELR 148 (SEA IA 2006).)

            DISCLAIMER: As the information contained herein is necessarily general, its application to a particular set of facts and circumstances may vary. For this reason, this document does not
            constitute legal advice. We recommend that you consult with your counsel prior to acting on the information contained herein.
            Copyright © 2021 Lozano Smith - All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be copied, or sold or used for any commercial advantage or private gain, nor any derivative work prepared
            there from, without the express prior written permission of Lozano Smith through its Managing Partner. The Managing Partner of Lozano Smith hereby grants permission to any client of
            Lozano Smith to whom Lozano Smith provides a copy to use such copy intact and solely for the internal purposes of such client. – Last Rev. December 13, 2021

        Best Practices for IEP Goal Writing                                   
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