Page 5 - InvestigationsBooklet
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                                                    Preventive measures go a long way. Through onsite trainings, our team
                                                    proactively works with you to spot issues and trends, strengthen
                                                    processes and protocols, and help save costs in the long run.  We help
                                                    build capacity and skills within your staff, and expand knowledge for
                                                    identifying issues and addressing misconduct when it occurs.
                                                    Representative workshops include:
                                                      > Best Practices and Responsibilities for Administrators
                                                      > Title IX Investigations: How to Conduct an Investigation
                                                      > Reporting Duties for Teachers Under Title IX
                                                      > Title IX: A Proactive (REACT)ion to Sexual Misconduct
                                                      > Employee Investigations and Discipline
                                                      > Title IX and State-Afforded Rights For Transgender Students
                                                      > Legal, Effective & Accurate Documentation (LEAD) Training
                                                      > Student Investigations 101
                                                      > Student Bullying and Investigations
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